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How to make big muscle in 3 week

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                   How to make big muscle 
                                      3 week

The key to making a big muscle in 3 week with  training frequency work is ensuring that you provide enough of the right training stimulus during that one weekly workout to actually warrant not training that muscle group again for an entire week.
You see, one of the many pitfalls of training each muscle group just once per week is that you are not training it again for another 7 days. And, it’s very easy for your body to de-train during this time and lose whatever progress you made during that previous workout.
Think about it. What happens if you stop working out for a while?
You regress, results gradually disappear, and you slowly lose whatever muscle, strength or performance related improvements you’ve made.
To a lesser degree, that’s exactly what can (and often does) happen when you wait a full week before training each muscle group again.

You may end up doing enough to stimulate progress and new adaptations during your workout, but then by the time a full week passes, you’ve already lost those new adaptations and you end up getting nowhere.
Example for lips

Monday: Chest & Triceps
Tuesday: Back & Biceps
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Shoulders & Abs
Friday: LegsSaturday: off
Sunday: off